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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

let's go training...

they are group of help and rescue team having their training usually done only on summer days when water is not cold and won't make them freeze....yongsin harbor is always the best place to do some trainings because the sea is quite calm and it is not so crowded with people really a very convinient one...i also love to come here for swimming thought not that so clean and beautiful but because it is the nearest one here in kaohsiung unlike the one from kenting where we went to i still prefer to come...morning walks here are really good not so many people around and if your interested in seeing those old couples having their exercise in the water every morning this is the best place to go


  1. Looks like fun watersport :)

  2. I wanted to try that!

    Have a lovely day.

  3. I think I can be just a spectator of the show here. I am not fun of water sports. Great shot!
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  4. having a great time on the water!

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