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Saturday, November 20, 2010

...the old railway tunnel

i saw this old railway tunnel when we went to kenting last summer,while hubby was driving i am enjoying my  addiction of drive-by shooting,anything
i saw that captures my attention....i click....and this old tunnel is not an exemption to that,i say old because i saw the end of the tunnel was already blocked with mountain of gravel and sand with lots of grasses on it lol!my eyes followed the tunnel to make sure it isn't  working anymore and gotcha!i saw that finished line blocking the end of that old tunnel...also,beside that mountain of gravel and sand was  a private lot i think i saw files of concrete fences,rusty metals and some old tires.i wonder how long this tunnel stopped into action-and that is one thing perhaps i should know...

posted for:weekend in black and white and
                                                    sunday bridges


  1. I like railways, and I find it sad when they are closed. Well spotted.

  2. yup me too i love railways and bridges too..i think they closed it because they built a new railways and i think i also saw this railway tunnel only used for cargo,those small containers that usually carries stuff...i saw the old rusty containers too but since im shooting inside my car my eyes spotted it but didn't get to catch it,maybe next time...!

  3. That's an interesting tunnel. Great subject matter for monochrome photography.

  4. Good catch! In this country, the railroads work in harmony with the trucking industry to deliver goods everywhere. But sometimes a rail line is abandoned for one reason or another, and gathers rust and weeds, much as you described.

    Thanks for coming by, and for the pat on the back!

  5. These drive-by-shots are very nice! I haven't master that art yet. :)

  6. Nice shots! And thanks for visiting :o)

  7. A place that breathes history. Great pictures indeed, look as if they are ancient. Please have a good Tuesday.


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